Office And Location
Dr. Nathaniel Shober
124 Hall Street, 2nd Floor
Concord, NH 03301

Detailed Directions to Our Office:
When you arrive at 124 Hall St, Concord, NH, enter the “Concord Business Complex.” off of Hall Street. The 124 Hall St building is the first on your right as you pull in.
To find Greystone Regenerative Medicine, drive to the rear of the building. Continue straight to the Stop Sign and turn right, keeping the building on your right. As you proceed, continue straight (do not bear left).
Look for a large red arrow above glass entry doors on your right, about three-quarters down the building. Enter through the glass doors, go up the stairs, and follow the hallway ahead. Our clinic is the last door on the right.
Signs are posted to guide you, but if you have any concerns, feel free to call or text us at 603-584-1895.